UK Bike Fit Ltd

UK Bike Fit Uk is an independent company base in Tansley. A Small Business Adaptation Grant of £7,228 from Derbyshire Dales District Council has enabled the purchase of a Sweat Analyser testing kit costing £7,529.

The new piece of equipment gives an accurate reading of the amount of sodium (the key electrolyte lost in sweat) an athlete loses every time they exercise. The test takes around 45 minutes with the athlete sitting, connected to the Sweat Analyser via skin patch. The results are used in conjunction with subjective assessment to create a hydration strategy for the individual athlete. Advise is given on when, what and how much to drink before, during and after training and competitions.

This new Sweat Testing and Hydration Planning service will enable the company to diversify its offering and generate revenue. The service will allow them to target a brand new market of athletes and expand current services from a focus of comfort and injury prevention, to a focus on optimal performance.

Daniel Smith (Director) explains...

The Grant Scheme has enabled us to purchase equipment that would otherwise be out of reach for our business. Now we have been able to invest in our new equipment, we have further diversified our revenue stream and have been able to access a completely new market

Total Project Cost Grant Received Outputs
£9,035 £7,228 20% Increased Turnover, New Service

This grant was awarded by Derbyshire Dales District Council and funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).

200 wide funded by uk gov for webpages

200 wide DDDC Levelling Up for webpages

Case Studies

  • Peak Medtek Ltd
    Peak Medtek Ltd

    Peak Medtek Ltd

    Technology to aid frail and elderly people has benefitted from a £3,456 Small Business Adaptation Grant from Derbyshire Dales District Council.

  • High Croft Venison
    High Croft Vension

    High Croft Vension

    A £8,000 Small Business Adaptation Grant awarded by Derbyshire Dales District Council funded the purchase of an all terrain vehicle (ATV) to retrieve culled deer.

  • Hands massaging
    Move and Massage

    Move and Massage

    Caroline Harding, owner of Move and Massage, had additional training funded by an £852 Small Business Adaptation Grant awarded by Derbyshire Dales District Council.

More Case Studies

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Starting Your Business

When setting up your own business, preparation is key - we're here to provide guidance and signposting to ensure you are well equipped to deal with the journey ahead. Get the information you may need when starting up and running your business, as well as further advice and useful links.

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Running Your Business

Setting up and running a business can be a challenge but help is on hand from Derbyshire Dales District Council and others to help make the journey as painless as possible. Established businesses can get help directly from our business adviser and many other useful resources.

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Growing Your Business

Once your business is well-established and profitable you may want to grow and expand it further. If you are not satisfied with maintaining your current operation and want to increase your market share, and profits, you'll need to develop a solid strategy for business growth.

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Funding Your Business

Whether you are looking to launch a start-up, expand your current business, or become more resource efficient, you will most likely need some financial support. Business funding can come in many forms and we are ideally placed to advise you on the latest and most suitable options.

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More Business Help and Information

  • Business Advice Service

    Looking for grant funding? Need advice on growing your business? Contact us for business support; If we can't help directly, we'll point you in the right direction to find the help you need.

  • Economic Plans and Area Information

    The Council's aims, priorities, and actions, are published in the Economic Plan, which sits alongside our current Covid Economic Recovery Plan.

  • Economic Research and Insights

    Research to inform decisions about our local economy, including insights into the volume and value of tourism, and business needs and trends across the district.

  • Meet The Team

    Whether you are just starting out, or have been in business for some time, we're here to help with all of your business needs.

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    From left to right...

    • Steve Capes - Director of Place & Economy
    • Christina Trindade - Business Adviser
    • Esther Stewart - Monitoring & Business Support Officer
    • Nancy Maitland - Economic Development and Tourism Officer
    • Amanda Brown - Economic Development Manager
    • Gill Chapman - Economic Development and Tourism Officer

    Contact Us