Built for Good Technology

Built For Good Technology is a small start-up business based in Wirksworth. Their first product ‘WatchWord’ is a smart glasses-based closed captioning system for cinema which allows deaf/hard of hearing people to attend any film screening they choose. It is new technology to increase and improve audience engagement in the arts and entertainment.

Potential customers need to be able to try the technology before they feel ready to invest. Previously, the company had insufficient hardware to demonstrate the product to cinemas while simultaneously having an installation in a location. With the aid of the Small Business Adaptation Grant awarded by Derbyshire Dales District Council the company has been able to invest in additional hardware - 13 additional pairs of Epson Moverio smart glasses, 2 servers, 2 Wi-Fi access points, cases for transportation, charging cables and peripheral items.

This has enabled them to reach new permanent customers while concurrently supporting temporary installations and hires at film festivals and other events. The project will enable more cinemas and film festivals to make their screenings accessible to the UK’s 18m people with hearing loss. In 2025, the business will be launching ‘WatchWord Live’ which is a similar system designed to cater for the live theatre sector.

Tim Middleton (Chief Technology officer) says:

WatchWord is a hands-on product. It is vitally important that potential customers have the opportunity to try our technology for themselves and with their audiences.

The grant from the UKSPF Rural Innovation Fund via Derbyshire Dales District Council has allowed us to reach more customers in a more compelling, practical way which will continue to positively impact our productivity.


This grant was awarded by Derbyshire Dales District Council and funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).

200 wide funded by uk gov for webpages

Case Studies

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    Caroline Harding, owner of Move and Massage, had additional training funded by an £852 Small Business Adaptation Grant awarded by Derbyshire Dales District Council.

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    The Council's aims, priorities, and actions, are published in the Economic Plan, which sits alongside our current Covid Economic Recovery Plan.

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    From left to right...

    • Steve Capes - Director of Place & Economy
    • Christina Trindade - Business Adviser
    • Esther Stewart - Monitoring & Business Support Officer
    • Nancy Maitland - Economic Development and Tourism Officer
    • Amanda Brown - Economic Development Manager
    • Gill Chapman - Economic Development and Tourism Officer

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