Everything you need to know about the Law and Tourism Businesses
The 'go to' resource for those considering setting up visitor accommodation or an attraction business is the publication produced by Visit England called the 'Pink Book'. The Pink Book is a complete guide to all the legislation affecting tourism businesses in England. The book covers all the appropriate legislation and legal obligations for a business to remain safe and operate within the law.
Purchase a hard copy of the 'Pink Book' and read what it covers.
Visit England also provide information about national and regional trends. This is useful information to help you determine if there is a place in the market for the type of accommodation that you would like to offer.
They also have a useful Business Advice Hub
Getting your accommodation Quality Assessed
There are thousands of accommodation providers across the Derbyshire Dales for visitors to choose from. Whilst not a legal requirement, getting quality assessed by Visit England could help your business stand out from the crowd. Any type of accommodation can be assessed; self catering, hotel boats, bed and breakfasts, glamping sites, serviced apartments; any premises that offers guests somewhere to stay.
You can get your tourism business quality assessed every year and receive a star rating to show your guests that you take offering quality seriously.
Marketing Opportunities; letting visitors know you're here!
With so much of the bookable tourism industry now online, there are many options for you to promote your businesses to visitors to the area. Some use the bigger industry companies like Booking.com and Airbnb, whilst others rely entirely on return visits and word of mouth.
However you decide to market your business, there are many options available to you, which include the local Tourist Board, Marketing Peak District and Derbyshire. They are tasked with promoting the area nationally and internationally to grow and support the area's visitor economy. Details about their membership scheme and what the benefits are for your accommodation or attraction business, can be found on their industry website.
The visitor facing website run by Marketing Peak District and Derbyshire, is called Visit Peak District. By becoming a member of the tourist board, you receive the opportunity to pay for advertising your business with them.
Tourism News
If you set up a Tourism business in the Dales, you can sign up to our business enewsletter to keep in touch with business news in the area.