'Here to Help' drop-in advice sessions for food businesses Jan/Feb 2025

Derbyshire Dales District Council is making it easier for food businesses to protect consumers and be prosperous and sustainable.

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The Environmental Health and Economic Development teams are working together to offer drop-in sessions on Mondays 13 & 20 of January and 3rd of February 2025 in Matlock Town Hall between 10am and 12pm (noon).

Any type of business is welcome to attend for advice and guidance regarding any aspect of food hygiene/health and safety related matters or for business advice.

Our Economic Development team provides comprehensive support and are “here to help” all local businesses. If you need help with business planning, funding, strategy or any fundamental business concerns, our business advisor Christina Trindade is on hand for direct one-to-one support and advice to help your business thrive and grow. Call 01629 761100 to book a meeting or send email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Environmental Health service is ‘here to help’ any type of business by providing advice and guidance. This can be around food safety, health and safety in the workplace or general advice for running and maintaining a good business e.g.you may have a new manager who wishes to talk with the service about accidents, undertaking internal audits, consulting with employees or specific equipment. Or advice on legal requirements and best practice recommendations. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  • Improve - we can provide advice and feedback on how a business can improve its current food hygiene score (generally or more specifically if speaking with the registered business operator).
  • New - we can provide advice for anyone thinking of opening a new business and not just a business already operating.
  • Change - we can help businesses manage change safely. This could involve new catering practices or methods / changes in layout / changes in staff.
  • Due diligence paperwork - if a business wishes to they can bring along their food safety or health and safety paperwork for feedback by Officers. You can also show images and videos on your mobile device if applicable. The Food Standards Agency website is a useful resource for any business along with the Health and Safety Executive. The Council can direct you to the most appropriate service if we don’t deal with the matter directly.

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